art ltd. Tim Ebner at Rosamund Felsen Gallery Jody Zellen
Tim Ebner’s hand-sewn sculptures of schooling fish at Rosamund Felsen Gallery are a delightful feast for the eyes that elicit smiles from all audiences. They also celebrate Ebner’s skills as a craftsman and his ability to excel at whatever medium he uses to create his works. His evolution from hard-edged geometric sculptures to childlike paintings of animals to these playful soft sculptures is the trajectory of a courageous artist who follows his instincts and is unwilling to be pigeonholed. Ebner was a surfer, but is now a fisherman, whose materials and subject matter have shifted to follow his relationship to the sea. The relationship between the surfer or fisherman who travels atop the water looking down or into the sea and the fish that populate that environment informs his process. His early works evoked the surface and materials of surfboards whereas his current work articulates his love and fascination with sea creatures.
L.A. Times Fishy installation induces smiles By David Pagel
Sillyness and sophistication often seem to be incompatible - the former all about unself-conscious fun and latter focused on serious refinement.
At Rosamund Felsen Gallery, the two fuse beautifully in Tim Ebner's smile-inducing installation of more than 100 fish sculptures the artist has made from elaborately patterned fabrics, sofa stuffing, ceramic eyeballs and welded chunks of rusted metal.
The Huffington Post Tim Ebner at Rosamund Felsen Gallery By Peter Clothier
Rosamund Felsen Gallery has a current exhibition of Tim Ebner’s work. What a treat! For readers in the Los Angeles area, this is one absolutely not to be missed. It’s sheer delight. Click on that Rosamund Felsen link and you’ll immediately see what I mean: there’s an image of Tim Ebner (he looks like he’s having wicked fun!) and the recent work he’s showing at the gallery, where all three spaces are chock-a-block with... fish!
It’s like being under water in some vast, exotic aquarium, with fish of all shapes, sizes and colors swimming all around you.
Ebner’s fish are stitched together out of a mass of colorful patterned materials. The eyes of the larger ones are glossy, hand-made ceramics, and the smaller ones, beady glass. All seem to be staring at the odd-person-out in this magical environment—yourself. Each has its own distinct facial expression and its body language, fierce...
ArtScene Tim Ebner at Rosamund Felsen Gallery By Marlena Donohue
(Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Santa Monice) A Studio preview of Tim Ebner's newest work offered the luxury and joyw of seeing the current show in the context of the artist's entire, diverse career arc. Ebner's new installation features "school" of 4-to5-foot fabric fish "floating" at about eye level in sprialing metal armatures (Sculptures in their own right), plus clusters of smaller fish suspended atop thin metal rods tall enough to hover overhead.